NCWA Meeting Summary

Marilyn Gray gives an overview of the November 1st NCWA meeting.

Erica Graf began the meeting with a prayer devotion based on Hebrews 12:1. She encouraged us that we are all leaving a legacy for future generations. Each aspect of our lives, writing, and actions create legacy. As an example, Erica spoke of her Grandma Hazel, who published memoirs of her life, including valuable aspects of Canadian history.


Lydia Harris facilitated the Write Start session by reviewing her hand-out, “Quick Tips to Write Book Reviews.”  She discussed many tips about writing and publishing reviews and highlighted on-line reviews as a great way to start. Example: Read a book that can be found on,, or and then write your review. Start with a catchy heading, add several sentences about the book, and include your recommendation. Lean towards positive reviews. For more information see “Break Into Print With Book Reviews” by Lydia E. Harris, p.130 in THE WRITE START, Practical Advice for Successful Writing.


The main event of the night was a panel discussion. Presenters included: Judy Bodmer, Clint Kelly, Elizabeth Griffin, Joshua Williams, Laura Christianson, and Lydia Harris.

Each panel member briefly highlighted their field of expertise (click here for details) as an introduction while meeting participants had the opportunity to ask questions. Discussion covered aspects of publishing, blogging, magazine articles and columns.

The last question of the night was “what is the best advice that held you fast in this business?”


Lydia – Attend a writer’s conference as soon as possible.

Laura – Agreed with attending a writer’s conference. Also, listen to critique, DON’T let that 1st “NO” be the “NO” forever.

Joshua – Be truthful to the message God has given you – in order to touch other peoples’ lives.

Elizabeth – If you are a writer, you write. Do it consistently. God has a place for you and your writing. He will fulfill His purpose.

Clint – Surround yourself with experts, including informative websites and blogs.

There were so many morsels to choose from and it was great encouragement to us all!


Marilyn Gray is a woman after God’s heart who has overcome addictions and survived cancer.  She and her husband, Wayne, are ordained ministers and founders of Freedomtrain Ministries. They have been involved in ministry for 20 years, bringing a prophetic and healing ministry to a world audience as they train and equip the body of Christ to hear God’s voice. Marilyn is also a member of NCWA.

3 thoughts on “NCWA Meeting Summary

  1. Thank you for the speedy review of Monday’s meeting! Great job helping our members who were not able to attend get a feel for what the meeting was like. For those of us who did attend it was a good review.


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